Matter and Life: The Automobile Analogy

Transcript of the video:

Person in audience:Yes. You were saying that the body in the presence of the life force is what makes the body exhibit the life symptoms, and then when the life particle leaves the body then it ceases to exhibit the symptoms. So what about the argument that the reason the body ceases to exhibit the life symptoms is because there's a defect like. you know, like this person has a heart attack, you know? Just like a car when it's… when everything's running properly, the car exhibits symptoms of a car, and when there’s something broken, then it ceases to exhibit the symptoms of a car. So like, you know, you’re saying that Professor Flask's wife, you know, she ceased to exhibit the symptoms of a living person when the spirit soul left the body. Well what about the argument that the reason she ceased to exhibit life symptoms is because there's a defect like she had a heart attack, or heart failure, or there's some. . .

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